Studying mitochondria at the intersection of cardiac physiology, development, and disease.

The mission of our lab is to undercover basic mechanisms of mitochondrial communication—pathways that mitochondria engage to communicate energy dysfunction—and how these pathways can be leveraged to prevent cardiac disease that affect both children (primary mitochondrial disorders, mitochondrial cardiomyopathy, congenital heart defects) and adults (heart failure).

Our Research

Our Environment

The Kwong lab is part of the Department of Pediatrics at the Emory University School of Medicine. Located in the vibrant City of Atlanta, our lab is committed to providing thoughtful mentorship and comprehensive scientific training in an inclusive environment, with the goal of supporting our trainees in establishing their scientific careers.


We are a diverse group of researchers passionate about mitochondrial function and cardiac health. Learn more about our team members and available positions!


Check out our publications to read more about the work we've done as we seek to uncover how mitochondrial function contributes to health and disease.


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